Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Emma hadn’t thought about that night for a long time now, but then she caught sight of Rudy on the train. She hid herself behind some fellow passengers and remembered. Her boyfriend, Charles, was out late at some kind of meeting; so they hungrily agreed to meet at her apartment. Rudy had this conservative façade, but was really tormented by contradictions, he liked to piss people off, but at the same time, when he liked, you or wanted something from you, he was whatever you wanted him to be. Inwardly they were the same, but ostensibly she stood to the left.

Rudy and his wife had just moved to NYC when she met him. Charles and Rudy were close friends once and Rudy was eager to be close again. He hung around all the time to the point of annoyance. But eventually Emma and Charles grew used to him and began to enjoy his omnipresence. Emma was also flattered by Rudy’s growing infatuation with her. Especially since her relationship with Charles hadn’t weathered their recent tragedies well. Rudy’s puerile affections were a nice diversion, for both of them, from the unpleasant realties in their daily lives. Rudy told his wife that Charles and Emma were his ‘best friends’ and time passed.

Such as all imbalanced relationships go, such as everything in life goes really, things could not stay the same. So Rudy and Emma began to have an affair, it was all consuming and destructive, but so were they. It went undiscovered for three weeks. The night they were caught started off as usual for these sinful lovers. They were at her apartment downing alcohol and chain smoking; sex was not an act they committed sober. That night Emma only had a drink or two before she began to feel nauseas. Maybe she skipped lunch, whatever the case, she suddenly dismounted Rudy and ran, to the bathroom. Rudy followed her and started fucking her from behind, her head still over the toilet, her lips still connected to the water by strings of mucus like hot glue. This seemed somehow okay, life had ripped down all of Emma’s notions that compassion was really anyone’s motivation. In fact it was the perfect crescendo because …suddenly the door handle was shaking and they knew there was no way they could possibly escape. Rudy pulled out of her and cowered behind the door. Emma put her head between her legs and waited for all hell to break lose.

The weird part was Rudy wouldn’t leave, even though Charles asked him, even implored him to several times. Rudy stayed and answered all of Charles questions about the affair. Rudy even told Charles things he didn’t ask about, details that were unnecessary and cruel.

Emma wondered for a long time after why Rudy had betrayed her, and purposely taunted his so called best friend. She hurt her boyfriend as he hurt her, but neither had wronged him. Rudy couldn't even say why, when she asked him about it later.

That morning he slunk back home into the warm open arms of his safe wife, she got him hot chocolate, and held him tight. Soon he thought he was a big man, he got away with it, and because he did it actually made him more self righteous about the affair. That provincial, constipated, coward, dipped his toes into the ocean and now thought he could control the sea. Often Emma wanted tell his wife, just to knock him down a few pegs.

The three of them tried to be big about the situation and remain friends, it was futile. Years later on the train, hiding behind the commuters, Emma realized how little it mattered to her now. That horrible day she thought would linger forever, had evaporated so slowly she didn't even notice it had gone.

Monday, November 24, 2008

In Lieu of FB...

Still no facebook! My hope that it will return is fading as fast as the likely hood of a kidnapped child returning after 72 hours. I am trying to keep my mind off of it; I just finished our annual tree trimming Christmas party invite and now I am searching for things I want to for Christmas so as to compile a list for Josh to shop from. It was his idea, but it's too hard. I don’t know what I want. I am torn between sweaters, camera accessories, and saving up to go on a European vacation, aka instant gratification vs. bigger picture.

I am meeting up with Micky for lunch soon, but first I have to train the temp who is filling in for Ursula this week. Training temp flashbacks are evoking uneasiness, but if nothing else it will remind me how good I have it with Ursula, as annoying, loud, and anal as she can be, she is still my little German workhorse.

I am looking forward to being off Thursday and Friday.

Rob & Jackie took us all out to dinner on Saturday at this really good restaurant in the West Village called Jane. It was really scrumptious. On Saturday morning Josh & I took them to brunch at Pete’s Tavern (it reminded them of an English pub). I actually miss them. They were the most considerate house and enjoyable house guests. Plus there were unstoppable, on the go all day and night soaking in as much as they could. They invited us to visit them in London. Since they are both retired principals they explained how their schedules were wide open, so if we find cheap tickets we are so there. Funny how things turn out sometimes. They left before we woke up on Sunday, leaving behind a lovely note of thanks, a bottle of red wine, and a box of fancy chocolates.

Yesterday my step brother Jason brought his new girlfriend by. They make a lovely couple. They stayed for quite a long time too.

He and his girlfriend were late arriving to our place because they were having a leisurely lunch at the Olive Garden. About an hour into our deeply enriching visit Micky and said we were off to sushi when Jason brazenly invited himself along.

Didn’t you just eat!?!?, I nervously inquired.

Yes, but he just want to hang out some more. As lovely as that sounded we were meeting friends who had made reservations at the busiest sushi place in all of Manhattan.

Josh and Suzie luckily got the pleasure of Peter and Jason’s vaudevillian type antics and was able to tell me all about it when I got home.

Now I shall get back to editing my story.

Friday, November 21, 2008

I keep rereading my story and there is something not right about its flow. It’s a good concept but I just…don’t know…perhaps I shouldn’t be reading Portnoy’s Complaint while trying to write this, I think over lunch I will read a few Bukowski shorts.

Of course Jackie and Robert (no longer strangers) are wonderful. They just adore Josh (he is quite charming) we all talked for hours and they took us out to eat. I feel bad about not wanting them to stay, but I must be true to that law I declared,

Zelda's Law:As soon as you stop worrying about something it usually happens, chances of it occurring triple if you say it out loud.”

Example: Jenny auditioned for Cats, she thinks to herself 'I did really well'. She most likely will not get the part.

BTW: Still no Facebook!

If she tells her friend Mary "I rocked the audition, I think I am going to play Tabby the trash cat." Her chances of getting the part decrease by 3 times the original amount she had against her just by thinking it.” (ZB-June 4, 2008)

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Not only is facebook not working, possibly blocked forever, but we are having house guests tonight. They are friend's of my brother's wife's father, don't ask how they came to be staying at my place, for those of you who know me know. They are in from England for a few months and decided to cap off their American adventure by coming to NYC. The most unsettling part is that I have no idea what they expect. Do they have plans or are they gonna be parked in my couch for 4 days? They're 60 and it's fucking cold outside. This just sucks and to top it off as they leave my brother arrives. It would be better if we had another room to hang out in, but the living room is really it. 11 days of visitors....

Well, instead of rereading my FF I worked on photos. I will get on that now.


Facebook is being blocked at my office. Some dumb asses downloaded an application that was really a virus so we all have to suffer! They just had to have the super duper, extra special, ultra hug application!
Since I have no inspiration, for a new comic right now and what is the point of working on pictures in subpar Gimp if I can’t upload them here anyway!? I wrote a flash fiction story. I am not sure how I feel about it, it’s been a while since I have written anything, and the topic is bit heavy. Josh said I should reread it after lunch and decide whether or not to post it. So I will. Until then here are pics I can’t post on Facebook.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Hippos Were Boiled in Their Tanks

refers to a circus fire and is the title of- until now- an unpublished work co-authored by Jack Kerouac and William S Burroughs, based on actual events involving the murder of David Kammerer by one of their own, Lucien Carr.

Click here to read an article about the book and actual events.

I can't wait to read it. New York in the 1940's/50's sounds so fucking cool. I had such a crush on Kerouac when I was in college, I read most of his books back to back. Soon I found it hard to distinguish his world from mine.

Anyhow I gotta run, but Carr is really interesting character too. You should read the article.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Rain Rant # 10,669

It rained most of the week, trying to be positive, I thought with all this weekday precipitation surly it will be sunny by Saturday, but here it is Saturday and it's still raining. It's supposed to rain tomorrow too. I am ready for it to end. It's depressing already. It just reminds that moving to Portland is just a pipe dream. The rain & I enjoy each other, but only in small doses.

This isn't really a rant now that I think about it. Okay, here I go, since I don't feel like renaming this entry here my rant; fuck this i hate the rain it always ruins everything. Why hasn't anyone invented a machine that can control the rain! I know we need it but not this much of it. With said rain control machine (RCM) the rain would fall only were is it is needed and only until whatever needed it was sated.

C'mon people I am giving you gold here!!!!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Sleep Rant #4,855

I feel so spacey I guess I am just tired and in denial about it! Fuck I hate sleeping, I don’t hate the act itself, I just wish it was optional or that we needed less. 8 hours a night is a huge chunk of your life. I know I have bitched about this before, but since the last time I complained there have been no new advances in artificial sleep technology (AST). You’d think other people would be on this, richer people, smarter people, more motivated people; the kind who get shit done. Even 7, even 6 hours of sleep per night… just too much!!!! Then on top of that, get this, you have to go to sleep the same time every night to reap total benefits from sleep. WTF? So it’s like you can’t even stay up till 4 on Friday and Saturday because you will pay for it all week. AND you can't make up sleep, so if you only get 4 hours of sleep a night for 3 nights, then you sleep 20 hours the next day to make up for it, you feel even worse! I just would think humans would be on it by now. It seems like it would be a profitable idea, if people were up more they would spend more money and so on. Plus think of how wealthy the company that manufactured this product would be????

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Just under the wire- My Ode to Sarah Palin

Click on any image to see a larger version.
Some images need to be seen large to experience all the nuances