Friday, November 21, 2008

I keep rereading my story and there is something not right about its flow. It’s a good concept but I just…don’t know…perhaps I shouldn’t be reading Portnoy’s Complaint while trying to write this, I think over lunch I will read a few Bukowski shorts.

Of course Jackie and Robert (no longer strangers) are wonderful. They just adore Josh (he is quite charming) we all talked for hours and they took us out to eat. I feel bad about not wanting them to stay, but I must be true to that law I declared,

Zelda's Law:As soon as you stop worrying about something it usually happens, chances of it occurring triple if you say it out loud.”

Example: Jenny auditioned for Cats, she thinks to herself 'I did really well'. She most likely will not get the part.

BTW: Still no Facebook!

If she tells her friend Mary "I rocked the audition, I think I am going to play Tabby the trash cat." Her chances of getting the part decrease by 3 times the original amount she had against her just by thinking it.” (ZB-June 4, 2008)

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