Saturday, November 8, 2008

Rain Rant # 10,669

It rained most of the week, trying to be positive, I thought with all this weekday precipitation surly it will be sunny by Saturday, but here it is Saturday and it's still raining. It's supposed to rain tomorrow too. I am ready for it to end. It's depressing already. It just reminds that moving to Portland is just a pipe dream. The rain & I enjoy each other, but only in small doses.

This isn't really a rant now that I think about it. Okay, here I go, since I don't feel like renaming this entry here my rant; fuck this i hate the rain it always ruins everything. Why hasn't anyone invented a machine that can control the rain! I know we need it but not this much of it. With said rain control machine (RCM) the rain would fall only were is it is needed and only until whatever needed it was sated.

C'mon people I am giving you gold here!!!!

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