Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Back East

The Republican VP pick is so funny, she's all pro-life, yet premarital sex seems to be cool with God in Alaska. Hey it is really cold, you can’t blame an environmentally conscious junior Palin for finding an alternative heat source. I hope she loses him the election, but knowing the GOP they will win, because eight years of GWB has made us a stupider country. I bet if the whole country took an IQ test 8 years ago and then took another test today the scores would be 12% lower.

Montana was great! The sky is obscene! I went horse back riding and bruised my ass checks! Jake & Jocelyn’s wedding was perfect. And even though it wasn’t my idea to play Hava Nagilah, being the only Jew, I got all the credit. The gentiles loved it we even put Jocelyn in a chair and carried her around a little. Nobody had ever heard Hava Nagilah before! It was great; they were also really shocked that I was Jewish. It was fun to say “oh I filed my horns down before the wedding,” and have people stare, silently searching my face for a smile, before laughing uneasily. They were really nice though, it’s not their faults Jews don’t move to Montana. We like to be near the water; it makes it easier to flee if we have to!

Here are some pics I will post more soon.

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