Monday, August 4, 2008

The Dark Knight sucked!!!

Was Batman’s voice too deep? No he just talked too much. Since when did the mysterious, dark, brooding batman become such a chatter box? And who edited this prolix picture? It was like someone started to edit it, but then they got bored, so s/he stopped. There was no pay off at the end, except that is was over. Heath Ledger was fine as the joker, but geezus he people think he is second coming of Christ because he OD afterwards. Just thinking about the movie makes me both angry and sleepy so I will just say; my father (who abhors corny feel good films and musicals) said he wished he had gone to see Momma Mia instead.

My father had these thoughts on the Dark Night; he said Rachel was a slut because she kissed two men in the same movie, he wanted Batman to die, he felt Morgan Freedman under used; he thought way too many people knew Bruce Wayne was Batman so he shouldn’t even bother hiding his identity, and he almost cried when the Joker burnt all that money!

I know this is going to be an unpopular position to take but who wants to be popular with people that genuinely enjoyed that movie? Not me!

Aside from that I had a nice time upstate, my father took me to eat at the Lobster Pier, this seafood restaurant we used got to with my mom. We got there and found it didn't open for about 40 more minutes. This odd woman told us if we got out of the car she would knock on the back door and they would let us in early, I could already tell she was lonely and wanted to talk to us. Over the the next 40 minutes we learned what Jewish Lightning was, all about her daughter who either was killed by her abusive boyfriend or killed herself, about both her husbands, and her son who had a drug problem.

I will elaborate on the Jewish lightening comment, but after lunch, because Ursula will be in soon and she is all encompassing. Also I am finished with my new comic strip but I sent it to myself in the wrong format. Either Josh will figure out how to send it to me at work or I will have to post it later tonight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the joker's a wuss