Monday, August 25, 2008


I said I would work late tonight since Ursula had to go on an unexpected trip to Florida. It seemed like a good idea at the time, some extra dough and since it is so slow this month I could work on something like a new comic or whatnot. Well now that the time is here I don't feel like staying at all! I have so much to do before leaving for Montana. I can't believe how things just creep up on a person. And I am not at all inspired by any one or thing in the news...Montana looks pretty, it will so nice to get away, there is too much sickness and death surrounding A&M. I just heard, after lunch, that an MD's son died suddenly over the weekend, he was 22. And about two weeks ago I found out that a 25 year old who works in Admin had a misdiagnosed brain tumor. She is doing well with radiation, but still!!!

My dad and Di are watching Suzie (my dog) while I am in Helena, I am sure that's going cause my dad to complain for years to come.

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